2024 Playtime Issue 3: LOVESTRUCK 250 x 250 mm 128 pages + Colour print Run 200 HARDBACK
In the final issue of the PLAYTIME trilogy LOVESTRUCK sees me explore the subject of what it means to fall in-love within 6 chapters, each using a different approach. The final chapter in the book sees me creating imagery in collaboration with a number of individual artists.

2023 Playtime Issue 2: From the Corners of My Mind 250 x 250 mm 96 pages + 2 foldouts. Colour print Run 150
In the second of three volumes, to appear annually, this issue presents 2 years worth of self-portraiture and projects featuring others within the genre of staged photography.

2022 Playtime Issue 1: Nudes by Jojo
250 x 250 mm 84 pages. B & W print Run 100
In the first of three volumes, to appear annually, this issue presents 18 months of nude studies as a way of saying goodbye to more than 20 years of working with people without their clothes on.

2022 Remembering Robert mm 2nd edition
230 x 165 mm 212 pages Colour Print Run 250
Exploring the life and work by the late Plymouth based artist R.O. Lenkiewicz through photographing 100 people who had been painted or drawn by him with the portraits he had made of them.
Each photographed has an accompabnying text explaining the sitter's relationship to the artist and how their portrait had come to be made.

2017 Plymouth Unveiled: Naked Truth
245 x 225 mm 194 pages B & W Print Run 500
Featuring 100 naked portraits of Plymouth women, photographed in their homes each with an accompanying text about how their relationship to their body.

2010 Remembering Robert mm 1st edition.
230 x 165 mm 212 pages Colour Print Run 1000
Exploring the life and work by the late Plymouth based artist R.O. Lenkiewicz through photographing 100 people who had been painted or drawn by him with the portraits he had made of them.
Each photographed has an accompabnying text explaining the sitter's relationship to the artist and how their portrait had come to be made.

2003 Mono/Stereo
300 x 215 mm 74 pages B & W Print run 300
Naked portraits and nude studies of individuals and couples photographed in my studio.

2000 Plymouth Unveiled
225 x 225 mm 156 pages B & W Hardback Print run 10,000
Featuring 100 naked portraits of men and women photographed in their homes or favourite locations around Plymouth. Each giving a short comment on their feelings for the city.