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A quick exhibition


I'm interrupting this uni blog flow to bring you news of the exhibition I've been having, my 15th or 16th solo show. It's hard work doing everything myself, including securing a venue, but amazing to welcome people to experience my work and thrilling to see them like it enough to buy it. I've sold almost half the images including most of the more expensive ones. A humbling and fabulous experience.

I have decided that this will be my last, Jojo-does-everything-show though, from now on, I need to work with gallery owners to mount my exhibitions, advertise them and man the fortress in the days and weeks following the private views, I no longer have the energy.

I'm about to start work on building relationships with prestigious galleries around the Country and the World and I'll let you know how that goes, but for today, I'll be back in the exhibition space, welcoming visitors before bringing the show down this evening and then having a very long bath.

The private view of Fruit Shoots October 2021



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