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My three pronged attack


Last week I started mailing out the 16 page colour booklet I had printed aimed at my hit list of players who could help me break through the Plymouth city boundary when it comes to making it as an emerging visual artist.

This strategy, at this stage, is simply introducing myself to photo book publishers and the top galleries which deal in contemporary photographic practice throughout the UK and the rest of the world. I shall contact everybody again in six months and then again six months after that, though I'm not sure what I'll be sending them on those occasions...

Additionally, I'm fully engaged with my studies at uni, answering every brief, reading everything on their lists and engaging as much as possible with staff and students, (and loving every second of it).

Finally, after the success of my last exhibition I am ramping up to make more work, I have started the research to identify images from art history that i'd like to recreate, I've done the first of a number of call outs looking for collaborators for my "strong women" series of self portraits and am working with a designer/ maker on providing me with a musketeer costume which should be ready by Christmas from which, another series will be born.

That's my three pronged approach: make as much quality work as I can, engage fully with Falmouth University and let the world know I exist!

My "marketing" booklets, leaving the nest!



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